Cat-Run is a story by myself, Haley. It is about a bunch of anthropomorphic animals fighting against the evil wolvians, and having to cope with death, friendship and love. The story is in four parts, but right now I'm only working on the first part.

This website was made so people could follow me, and so i could look back and see how I'd done. It's currently under a redesign so expect changed.

For more information, it's characters, it's story, and myself, look along the right.

10 Jul 2011

Trying out the new layout.

My dad brought up adding a contents page, and this caused me to try and figure out how to add pages without them breaking my lovely paw page number. I finally got to using a page break, and decided to show off what i did today.
I have six pages. A spare page which i'm probably gonna add an inspirational quote or something, a page that says the title of the book and my name, another spare page, contents, then we finally have the prologue and the begging of the story (shown here).
I've just added the first to pages because the bit before that is pretty boring. This is Cat-Run: Divided Dreams. I've just written out the prologue so i could see how it looks. (and yes, my task bar is on the right of my screen. I like it there thank-you-very-much.)