Cat-Run is a story by myself, Haley. It is about a bunch of anthropomorphic animals fighting against the evil wolvians, and having to cope with death, friendship and love. The story is in four parts, but right now I'm only working on the first part.

This website was made so people could follow me, and so i could look back and see how I'd done. It's currently under a redesign so expect changed.

For more information, it's characters, it's story, and myself, look along the right.

3 Jul 2011

Once again it was boredom that finished me to finish my book

HAIGUYZGUESSWHAT! I just finished Cat-Run Divided Dreams. YAYZIESANDYIPPIESANDEVERYBODYCELEBRATENOW! I still need to go back and correct, re-write it and such but i won't be doing that until I've finished The Beta Project. I'm gonna try and stop thinking about cat-run and hope that i wont slowly start to change the story while i'm doing it.

Gawd it feels so good to be finishedf!