Note, this is still a work in progress, more characters are likey to be editied. This page only involes characters and characteristics introduces/revealed in the first book. There are likely to be edits when I get onto the second book.
-- Major/Reoccouring Caracters --
Name: Captain Costa (Nickname Fox)
Species: Brazilian Fennec Fox
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Affiliation: Cat-Run (Captain)
Apprentices: Tiffany, Hayley, Charlie
Master: (!)
Fox was born shortly after Gruchiano became the leader of cat-run. Not much is known about his childhood, but apparently it was rather rough. He was made an apprentice when he was thirteen, the same age as Hayley.
Cleo is Fox’ apprentice-mate, were both apprenticed, made cat-runs and captains together. Apparently, something occurred before the events of the series that Fox refuses to mention.
Fox is a natural leader, he is strong and when he wants to be, smart. Despite all these traits, he is a loving and talented master to his apprentices, which is one of the reasons Cleo was made deputy over him. He is one of the strongest, yet youngest captains of 2.7, and he is especially fast.
Fox has never loved, as he mentioned, and is an atheist. While he had a particular dislike to the Kitulism religion, he does find it very interesting, and is of the thunder element. Fox said he owned a house in north Fancia, though he never goes into detail about it.
Name: Hayley Peekan
Species: Cat (Himilayan/Nebelung)
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Affiliation: Cat-Run (Apprentice)
Master: Captain Costa
Hayley was born to Maria and Marley Peekan, and lived a fairly happy childhood. When she was still young, her father told her of his battles of when eh was a cat-run, and this is whey Hayley herself wants to become one. She wasn’t very wealthy, but her father was very religious, Hayley followed her father while her brother Ryan followed the more carefree nature of her mother.
Hayley is among the youngest of the cat-runs, but this didn’t stop her. She is eternally curious and believes that everyone has a reason for being evil, even the wolvians. She is carefree and happy, but loyal to those she trusts. She is nimble with her claws.
Hayley’s best friend in school was Lily, and while a proper pain in the rear end, Hayley promised to be her friend for life. Hayley is a fast learner, and is the only known member of the extinct ‘true’ element, giving her unusual bonds with the legends. She is mentioned to ‘bring great things’, which are loyalty and friendship.
Name: Charlie
Species: Weasel
Gender: Male
Age: Fourteen
Affiliation: Avian
Charlie was found and raised as a child by Quarto, an Avian, but since he was a mammal, he was often picked on and ignored. The only person who accepted him was scarlet, a pretty scarlet macaw, and the two quickly formed a romantic bond. It is never mentioned what happened to Quarto, but she most likely died naturally.
Charlie is the most down-to-earth character. He is relaxed and free-loving, but he can also be hard to work with as he barely ever listens to his peers. He prefers to work alone, and looks only to himself, but despite this, he is an honest and caring person. He is a bit of a tease and a bit of a rebel, but one of the strongest cat-runs of his age. While he has emotions, he is able to hide them very well, and they very rarely effect the way he acts.
Charlie never mentions what element he is.
Name: Captain Cleo Grey (Nickname Cay)
Species: Red Fox
Gender: Male
Age: 29
CR Rank: Cat-Run (Captain/Deputy)
Apprentices: None
Master: (!)
Cleo was born in the outskirts of Olo, and didn’t meet Fox until they became apprentices together, then they became quick friends. Shortly after becoming cat-runs, Cleo met Anna, and the two eventually fell in love. It isn’t mentioned how they met. Cleo became a deputy shortly before the book, and was preceded by Demgen.
Cleo is the calmer-minded cat-run, and also the most responsible, though despite both of these things, he easily snaps and looses his temper. He is very tolerable, most likely because he had Fox as a partner for thirteen years. He is less of a leader-like person than Fox, and said he was unlikely to take on the position of cat-run leader if Gruchiano dies or retires.
Cleo is of the water element, but lacks any real interest in religion, (he still respects it, unlike Fox).
Name: Captain Gruchaino
Species: Grython
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Affiliation: Cat-Run (Leader)
Apprentices: Unknown
Master: Unknown
Gruchiano was deputy for a long time before becoming a leader, and a leader for longer after that. Not much is known about him before that.
Gruchiano’s first deputy retired and replaced by Demgen, who was eventually killed shortly before the first book. He was followed by Cleo, the current deputy of cat-run.
Gruchiano is strong, silent and considerate, but also secretive and deadly. It is never mentioned what element Gruchiano is, but he is loyal to the Kitsune, and was almost a minister before he became a cat-run. He is among the oldest cat-runs in Olo, excluding the retired ones, and naturally doesn’t fight a lot. But when he does, she had been known to kill his enemies within seconds.
Name: Anna Grey
Species: Cat (Grey and White)
Gender: Female
Age: None of your business.
Affiliation: Cat-Run (Nurse)
The oldest of her ring of siblings, which include Chloe. At a young age Anna was encouraged to work hard, and she did. She was the bookworm of her family, and rarely liked to get into fights. When she was eighteen, she went to cat-run to be nurses with Chloe, and met Cleo, her future husband.
Anna is the smart, straight lady of the series. She is cool-minded, but witty and ironic at the same time. She rarely shows concern, anger or fear, which is good given her job, but she often likes to taunt most others, including her husband, Cleo. She never mentions her element, but it’s most likely water.
Name: Chloe
Species: Cat (Calico)
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Affiliation: Cat-Run (Nurse)
Chloe was among the younger members of her family, and more than a little odd. She was rebellious, unlike Anna, and loved getting into scruffs. Her parents didn’t like cat-runs, and so she was forced to study to be a nurse. She signed out to be a cat-run nurse, and her older sister Anna was made to keep an eye on her.
Chloe is a bit wilder than Anna, but a lot sweeter and smater. Most of the cat-runs prefer to go to Anna, but Chloe is the better fighter of the two and often taken for patrols outside the ACS. Chloe is quiet and considerate, and likes outsmarting people and thinking of things they didn’t. She is of the thunder element, just like Fox.
-- Avian Caracters --
Name: Katrina Alfsol
Species: Skunk
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Affiliation: Cat-Run (Crun)
Apprentices: None
Master: Unknown
Katrina lived in the same town as Fox, Sydney and Cecil. She was good friends with the trio, especially Sydney. Because she was younger, she didn’t become a cat-run until a season later, then she fell in love with Sydney. They broke up shortly before the first book.
Katrina is sharp, fiery and short-tempered, she is rather self-centred, and isn’t afraid to treat anyone like dirt. Despite this, she is still a loyal, smart and strong cat-run. She is of the water element, and specialises in swords when fighting, despite this, she is also pretty good physically.
Name: Captain Sydney Perit
Species: Oakpi
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Affiliation: Cat-Run (Nurse)
Apprentices: Inferno, Keith
Master: Unknown
Sydney was often bullied at school because he was one of few herbivores who wanted to become a cat-run. He initially made friends with Fox, the coolest kid in the school, so he wouldn’t get bullied, and their friendship ended up staying. After becoming a cat-run, he grew a relationship with Katrina, another friend of Fox’, but their love died before the first book.
Sydney is among the more sensible of the cat-runs, but he does sill goof off at times. He is the mentor of Keith, who was held back from cat-run because he kept sneaking off, he is a strict and harsh mentor, unlike Fox. He is a skilled fighter, but he often ends up getting into fights with Katrina, his x-girlfriend.
Name: Keith Gelfod
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Male
Age: 16
CR Rank: Apprentice
Apprentices: None
Master: Captain Sydney
Keith wasn’t interested in becoming a cat-run when he was younger, but his parents sent the request anyway, just to see if he was worthy. Shortly before the season Keith’s father died and his mother had a new baby, so Keith offered to go so she had less to worry about. Keith’s master was Sydney, who was strict and responsible, but Keith’s apprentice-mate Inferno instantly took a shine to him.
Keith is shy, cautious, and not exactly cat-run material. But he is also strong and loyal, just and long as he knows his friends. He is a nice person, and apparently rather popular as for as ladies are concerned. Keith is much less serious than most cat-runs, and would much rather go for a walk in the park than anything else. Keith was often caught sneaking off, which caused him to have his ‘cat-runhood’ held up.
Name: Captain Cecilo Parfelo
Species: Black Panther
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Affiliation: Cat-Run (Captain)
Apprentices: Davi
Master: Unknown
For most of his childhood Cecilo was mistaken for a girl and since he had a feminine personality he seemed to go with it. It wasn’t until he was a teenager that anybody realised he was a boy, which was rather aquward with him and Fox, as they had been dating at that time. After he found out his true gender he decided to become a cat-run, deciding that it seemed more responsible.
Cecilo is a silent person, preferring to follow others than come up with ideas of his own. His ideas, however, are usually the best and he is a very bright person. He is the fastest of all the cat-runs in his unit, and often does more ‘undercover’ work than plain battling. Since he is very similar in appearance to the wolvians (they’re both black/grey) he is also very good at disguising.
-- Avian Caracters --