Cat-Run is a story by myself, Haley. It is about a bunch of anthropomorphic animals fighting against the evil wolvians, and having to cope with death, friendship and love. The story is in four parts, but right now I'm only working on the first part.

This website was made so people could follow me, and so i could look back and see how I'd done. It's currently under a redesign so expect changed.

For more information, it's characters, it's story, and myself, look along the right.

23 Mar 2011

Updates (the generic sort)

Writing this from my school computer.

Last night i had an unusual urge to write, and got like, 10 pages of cat-run done! :D I'm currently on page 45 (or i think so) and still only introducing the chacters. Actually, i've only really got one to go (with the exeption of the wolvians). I'm on my final day before Hayley runs away, hopefully it will happen around page 50-ish.

This website needs a redesign, when i made the wallpaper i knew it would be too small for widescreens, and i was right (i got a widescreen computer... with a pretty screen!)

Currently i've been thinking of a new project to go along with Pyschic Ferret and Cat-Run. It will be another novel called 'The Beta Project'. Set in the futuristic world of cat-run, where the remaining animals have all taken life in space. The main characters would be a cat who is the only female left in existance, a robot, and an alien. It's been going on and off in my mind, i think i might get somewhere someday.

Also, i've been drawing the character a lot lately, but since i need to get the psychic ferret cast page first, i'm gonna be behind.