Cat-Run is a story by myself, Haley. It is about a bunch of anthropomorphic animals fighting against the evil wolvians, and having to cope with death, friendship and love. The story is in four parts, but right now I'm only working on the first part.

This website was made so people could follow me, and so i could look back and see how I'd done. It's currently under a redesign so expect changed.

For more information, it's characters, it's story, and myself, look along the right.

9 Jan 2011


The main baddies of the first book are the wolvians. Apparently they made a trade with the cat-runs to give them their land, and for a few (40 or so) years have been trying to get it back.

I'm gonna be doing drawings of all the wolvians that appear (ten or so) which means lot's of alterations.

Kang and Shanan are two of the wolvians I made, and probably the main wolvians, thus the Evil Duo. Kang is the dumber stronger man, who thinks he can do things he can't, though in the end, he turns out the innocent, correct one. Shanan is psysically weaker, but smarter. Usually the boss of the team when Saltire isn't around. Both were the first proper wolves to be made after the Almighty, and i probably won't be killing them off.

Sniffer is probably the most unique, form, as you can see, his nose. Interestingly, he's the first wolvian to appear and also the first to go, but in his short time has quite a personality. He speaks in a slightly british accent. ("Precistly")

Saltire, next in line for the alpha spot, is the sexy puppy and the only girl. While she really desires to be the leader and stop the rivalry between the Wolvians and the cat-runs, she also cares about her brothers and uncles and will always have prey in mind. She won't be killed off, since she's tecnecally a good guy.

And Mighty, leader of the Wolvians and determand to get their land back. Has a strong rivialry with the cat-run's leader, Gruchiano and will go out of her way to snap at him. She's usually held back by her pack the same way Gruchiano is held back by Cleo. Of the dark element, and strongly belives the existence of The Shadow Stalker. Speaks with a German accent, apparently, this was learnt.

I still need a few more, but most of the wolvians will be killed off by the end and only appear in a few battles. If you have a suggestion, you can catch me via deviantart.